I Reversed Osteoporosis Naturally!

I reversed osteoporosis without using pharmaceutical drugs!

Above are my DEXA scores over a few years. I had osteoporosis in the lumbar spine. The second table shows an osteoporosis diagnosis occurs when the T-Score is “greater than” -2.5. My lumbar spine was consistently beyond that until the November 2021 scan, when it dipped to -2.2 - yay!

I added jumping to my exercise routine based on a study done several years ago where they found that jumping 20 times, at least 30 seconds apart, led to the subjects gaining bone density.

You can read the study by clicking here.

I also lift weights, walk, bike, and cross country ski.

If you’re going to add jumping to your exercise routine, make sure to have good shoes!
Running shoes are the best for this because running shoes are designed for the most impact.

If jumping isn’t your thing, perhaps a vibration plate would work better for you.

Check out the large vibration plate by clicking here.

Check out the smaller vibration plate by clicking here.

While I take a few other supplements, I added the Garden of Life Grow Bone System.
Check it out by clicking here or click here or click here.

PLEASE NOTE: From time to time, Garden of Life has supply chain problems and you will see that the Grow Bone System is out of stock at a number of retailers. In the meantime, Dr. Shostek suggests you purchase the Garden of Life Raw Calcium supplement and, optionally, a separate strontium supplement. Three clickable options for purchasing the GOL Raw Calcium are the following:

Garden of Life Raw Calcium option 1;

Garden of Life Raw Calcium option 2;

Garden of Life Raw Calcium option 3

...and if their Raw Calcium is out of stock, per GOL customer service, you can try this option (click here).

For Strontium, here are two other options. Pay attention to the number of capsules that equal 1 serving, and how many mg you get with "1 serving" or with "1 capsule". Click below to check out these options:

Strontium option #1;

Strontium option #2

To see my video review about my osteoporosis reversal, click the image below:

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