What I Eat in the Morning

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What should you eat in the morning in order to allow your body to cleanse itself well before noon?

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To give your body the best ability to have a “light” morning, eat fruit all morning! Our bodies work harder at cleansing between 4 am and noon. If you weigh it down with food that takes longer to digest (e.g. eggs, bacon, sausage, etc.), it will slow down the cleansing process.

Eating fruit keeps things light on your digestive system!

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I like having berries for breakfast - strawberries and blueberries like I had here — and also blackberries and raspberries on other days. I really like bananas so I usually put half of a banana in the bowl and often chop up a date, and then add some unsweetened almond milk.

On the morning I had this breakfast, I had peeled a clementine after I got back from a workout and ate part of it while I got ready for the day.

I also had some herbal tea - Echinacea Plus tea on this day.


Especially on days when I’m in a rush, I’ll make a smoothie. For this smoothie, I started with water, an apple, an orange, a banana, and some frozen pear.


Many times I’ll add greens, such as spinach or a leaf of kale and some parsley, but this day I stuck to fruit.


If you want to know more about how I changed my diet one step at a time and you want to try it too, and how that diet has led to anti-aging goals, check out my “Kickstart Your Health” course!

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The course includes videos and PDF files to walk you through improving your diet one step at a time.

See the entire video about what I eat in the morning by clicking the image below:

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