Upper Arm Workout for Mature Women

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Upper arm workout for women! Hey ladies! I'm almost 60 at the time of this video. If I can tone my arms with a few simple workouts, you can, too! You can get rid of flabby arms by exercising your arms with weights.

If you want to make your arms look great when you're wearing sleeveless dresses and tops, then doing these exercises 3 times a week will help you get there. These exercises will also help to make your arms, shoulders, and back stronger so that you can lift things around your house and prevent injuries.

Make sure to check out the video to see the full explanation for how to perform these stretching exercises!

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Rows with Dumbbell – If any of these exercises are new to you, start with lighter weights. To do the rows, you’ll need a bench or chair to place one knee – the left knee in this photo. With the weight in your right hand and your arm straight down, bend your elbow until your upper arm is parallel to the ground. Then lower your arm again. That is one repetition (one “rep”). Do at least 8 reps and work your way up to 15 reps. When that starts to feel easy, increase the weight to the next dumbbell heavier and start with 8 reps again. Do 2 or 3 sets, switching sides each time.

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Kickback with Dumbbell – Start this exercise with your elbow bent. Use a light weight than you did for the Row. Keeping your upper arm still, straighten your arm. Then bend your elbow again. That is 1 rep. Do at least 8 reps and work your way up to 15 reps. When that starts to feel easy, increase the weight to the next dumbbell heavier and start with 8 reps again. Do 2 or 3 sets, switching sides each time.

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Overhead Extension – Both Hands – One Larger Weight

Start with either a 5 pound or 8 pound weight. Hold it in both hands above your head, as shown, with your arms straight. Bend your elbows to lower the weight behind your head. Then straighten your arms again. That is 1 rep. Do at least 8 reps and work your way up to 15 reps. When that starts to feel easy, increase the weight to the next dumbbell heavier and start with 8 reps again. Do 2 or 3 sets.

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Overhead Extension – One Hand – One Smaller Weight

Similar to the last exercise, with this one you will hold a lighter weight in one hand, holding it above your head with your arm straight. Bend your elbow to lower the weight behind your head. (You may use your other hand to steady your arm if you want.)  Then straighten your arm again. That is 1 rep. Do at least 8 reps and work your way up to 15 reps. When that starts to feel easy, increase the weight to the next dumbbell heavier and start with 8 reps again. Do 2 or 3 sets, switching sides each time.


Bicep Curls – Start with lighter weights, such as 3, 4 , or 5 pound dumbbells, one in each hand. Begin with your arms down and the underside of your arms and wrists facing forward. Keeping your upper arms in place, bend your elbows to bring the weights up, almost to your shoulders. Then lower your hands until your arms are straight and hands are down again. That is 1 rep. Do at least 8 reps and work your way up to 15 reps. When that starts to feel easy, increase the weight to the next dumbbell heavier and start with 8 reps again. Do 2 or 3 sets.


Chest Squeeze & Overhead Press – This is a good one to watch on the video!

Start with two light weights, one in each hand, arms raised and elbows bent as shown in the photo. Move your arms together until your forearms (hands to elbows) almost touch, then move them back to the starting position. Next, straighten your arms above your head, nearly touching the weights together above your head. Then bring your arms and hands to the starting position. That is 1 rep. Do at least 8 reps and work your way up to 15 reps. When that starts to feel easy, increase the weight to the next dumbbell heavier and start with 8 reps again. Do 2 or 3 sets.

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Tricep Dips – You will need a bench for this exercise. Sit on the bench. Place your hands on either side of you on the bench. Then lift your hips off of the bench. You can have your feet either closer to you (knees more bent) or farther away (knees more straight). Start with whatever position is easier and work your way to a more challenging position. Bend your elbows and straighten them again. This is sort of like a reverse pushup! Do one set of 15 reps. You can do this exercise between others in order to fit in 2 or 3 sets.


See the full video – Click Below:

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