Osteoporosis Prevention and Grow Real Bone

Dr. Denise Shostek talked with me about osteoporosis prevention and natural treatments to grow real bone.


Dr. Shostek talked about the difference between osteopenia and osteoporosis.


As Dr. Shostek explained, the bisphosphonate drugs that are so popularly prescribed to treat osteoporosis place onto the bone what some doctors call “cheap bone”. Your DEXA scans will look as if your bone has improved. However, fractures can still occur and do often for people who’ve taken these drugs.


Another resource for you to check out to do research is SaveOurBones.com. Please – check it out!


Unlike the TV commercials which have told us for years that eating and drinking dairy will build bone, dairy actually contributes to the body becoming acidic instead of alkaline. And acidic body will leach calcium out of your bones. Eating meat also contributes to having an acidic body.


Dr. Shostek shares in the video about a study where the participants increased their bone mineral density by over 2% in 6 months. Watch the video to learn what they did to achieve it!


Dr. Shostek is taking the Garden of Life "Grow Bone System”.


I am taking 75 mg of boron supplement per day based on evidence from Dr. Jorge Flechas, M.D. (see links below in this post).


I thought Dr. Shostek was also taking the boron supplement. LOL!


So this is our test in 2019 and into 2020. Dr. Shostek is taking the Garden of Life "Grow Bone System” and I’m taking the 75 mg of boron supplement per day (link below to where I’m buying it). We will report back later with our results after we’re tested.


See the full video – Click Below:

Check out our DEXA updates for October 2021 on YouTube or on my Blog!

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