Look Younger – Whiten Your Teeth
Dr. Denise Shostek discussed teeth whitening with me -- why it makes you look younger, what contributes to making your teeth look yellow or beige, & a natural method for whitening your teeth. And I shared how I whiten my teeth!
Dr. Shostek uses a combination of baking soda and a bit of 3% hydrogen peroxide. She uses a small bowl, adds about 2 teaspoons of baking soda and ½ teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. Mixes it up with a toothbrush and brushes her teeth with it.
Please be aware that hydrogen peroxide is toxic if swallowed. After using this method you must rinse out your mouth with water 4 or 5 times.
I whiten my teeth using custom made “trays” that I got from my dentist years ago. I buy bleach that is made for teeth (my dentist sells it) and about twice a year I bleach my teeth for about 5 days in a row.
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