Date Paste - A Natural Sweetener!

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Date paste is a delicious sweetener you can easily make at home in either a blender or food processor. I add it to overnight oats. It can be used in the place of sugar in most instances.

How to Make Date Paste - A Healthy Natural Sweetener (Time 0_00_57;00).jpg

Start with 1 cup of pitted Medjool dates, packed into a 1-cup measuring cup.

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Put the pitted dates into a bowl, fill it with water, and let it sit for at least 30 minutes. You can cover the bowl with plastic wrap if you want. You can also let them soak in the water for several hours (or overnight) in the refrigerator in a covered bowl.

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After the dates have soaked, drain them using a strainer or colander, but also place a bowl below the strainer to catch the date water.

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Put the drained dates into a blender or food processor.

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Measure 1/4 cup of the date water and add it to the blender.

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Blend the dates + date water for 20 to 30 seconds. You might need to stop the blender to scrape down the sides.

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The date paste will look like this! If you use a blender, you’ll need a long handled spatula to get out as much as you can!

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I put some of it into a small glass bowl so that you can see how pretty it is.

Store the date paste in a covered container in the refrigerator.

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I decided to test it out by adding 1 tablespoon of date paste to my chocolate overnight oats that had no sweetener.

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I stirred it up and took a taste. YUM! It added just the right amount of sweetness to the overnight oats.

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Making healthier choices is part of my KICKSTART YOUR HEALTH program which I developed into a course that includes video lessons and text in PDF format. It walks you through step-by-step to improve your health through diet — I did this to change my life in the late 1990s.

It’s made all the difference in my life and my health, both inside and out. I don’t have any of the health issues that my parents had at my age or that my younger siblings have now.

Click here to check out the KICKSTART YOUR HEALTH program!

Click the image below to see the video showing how I made the date paste:

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