Cashew Cream - Yummy & Versatile

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Cashew cream can be used plain, or you can add either savory or sweet ingredients to change it up.

I don’t drink it from a teacup! But I thought it looked pretty in the photo. You can add sweeteners to make it a dessert topping or a dip for fruit.

Cream in Glass - brightened - Canon - portrait.jpg

Let’s get right to the recipe!


  • 1 cup Raw Cashews – Soaked Overnight or for a few hours

  • 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup Water

  • 1/4 teaspoon Salt


  1. Put the raw cashews into a bowl, add water, and let soak for several hours or overnight.

  2. Drain the cashews of the soaking water; rinse them and drain again.

  3. Place all ingredients, including ½ cup of the water, in a high-speed blender or food processor.

  4. Blend or process for 1 to 2 minutes, until smooth.

  5. Check the consistency. Add more water if needed to get the consistency you want.

Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Optional Savory Flavorings:

  • 2 t. Lemon Juice

  • 1 clove minced Garlic

  • Dash Paprika

  • Dash Onion Powder

Option Sweet Flavorings:

  • 1 t. Vanilla extract

  • 1 to 2 T. Maple Syrup

  • 1/4 t. Cinnamon

  • 2 t. minced Fresh Ginger

  • 1/4 t. Cardamom

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