What I Eat - at 62

People ask me all the time to tell them what I eat. I changed my diet when I was 38 and never looked back! If you want to see my video where I talked about this, either click the image above or click here!

When I was 38, my eyes were finally opening to my health future if I didn’t make changes. I didn’t have any health issues at the time; no health scares! I just looked into the family past - at my dad, grandparents, aunts, and uncles who went through one serious health crisis after another and decided I didn’t want that for my life. And I didn’t want to wait until I experienced my own health scare.

I grew up eating Twinkies, Hohos, and Ding Dongs. I didn’t see many fresh vegetables in our house. The photo above is of my dad and me when he was 52 and I was 17. He had a stroke when he was 52 and died when he was 57.

I did a lot of reading, studying, and asking questions during the summer of my 38th year, and then changed my diet that fall.

When my lifestyle diet changed my body and my health, I started talking about it to friends and family. They saw what I was eating, anyway, so even if I didn’t talk about it, they saw the evidence.

Some were interested; some were not.

Some decided to change their diet as well. Of those, some succeeded and some didn’t. It made me wonder, “Why the lack of success?”

I finally realized, it’s just hard to change a lot of habits at once.

And that is what our diets are: HABITS! How we shop for food, how we plan (or don’t plan) meals, what we get a taste for one hour before dinner, etc. It’s all habits.

I realized I succeeded because I created my own plan for changing one habit at a time. This kept me encouraged and guaranteed my success.

Today, in my family in my generation, I’m the only person who has no comorbidities. (And by “comorbidities”, I mean high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, Type II diabetes, cancer, and auto-immune diseases.)

To help people be successful in their health transformation, I created the “Kickstart Your Health” course.

It includes modules that walk you through, step-by-step, what you can do to achieve your own health transformation in the form of videos and PDF files. You can print the PDF files to make notes on the documents.

The course also includes a RECIPE BOOK in PDF format! I have a copy of it in a 3-ring binder in my kitchen.

To check out the course, click here or click the image above.

To check out all of the courses I offer, click here.

If you have any questions, you can write a comment below, or email me at glory@gloryb-tv.com