Buxom Suede Seduction Palette

Buxom Suede Seduction Eyeshadow -OSWALD FONT - thumbnail.jpg

For my mature eyes I'm always on the lookout for an eyeshadow palette that has several light neutral colors. These lighter colors are great as transition shades and for in the eye crease! Plus, when the shades are lighter, they work better with my more mature skin as they don't emphasize wrinkles.

The Buxom Suede Seduction Eyeshadow Palette is all matte in neutral shades.


I’m starting with the lightest shade and applying it all over my lid, from lashes to eyebrows.


I use a small brush to go over the eyeliner with a dark shadow to smoke it out.


A lighter shade is going above the crease in the transition area.


A flat brush is used to apply a medium shade into the crease.


With a tiny brush, I applied a dark shade into the outer-V.


Then I’m using the lightest shade again to go over the lid.


Add some mascara and, voila!, the tutorial is complete!


See the full video – Click Below:

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