My Unscented & Lightly Scented Household Products

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I can only handle unscented and lightly scented household products. These are some of my favorites!


All Free & Clear is my go-to for laundry detergent. My clothes have no scent after being washed.

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If you don’t like the scent of dryer sheets (or of unscented dryer sheets that can have a slight scent), then using dryer balls may be your answer to ensure your clothes don’t have static cling.

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Normally, the Mr. Clean Magic Erasers I’ve purchased have been unscented. Then I bought this box from Costco and they’re scented. Yuck. The moral of the story is — sniff before you buy!

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This all-purpose cleaner from Earthworm is completely unscented. It comes in a spray bottle, as shown, and can be used on many surfaces.


Concrobium Mold Control Spray has no scent and can clean up regular mold (not toxic mold). It’s a good product to keep handy.

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The Bon Ami Cleanser and Cameo Cleanser are both unscented and work well for aluminum, stainless steel, ceramics (such as white dishes), and porcelain (such as scratch marks on a toilet).


White vinegar is a great cleaning agent that has a slight scent. I mix it with water 50:50 in a spray bottle. It was eliminate hard water stains around sinks and faucets.

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Better Life Natural All-Purpose cleaner is complete scent-free and a good one to have handy if you are sensitive to scents!

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In the lightly scented category, Whole Foods 365 All Purpose Cleaner has a citrus scent that I can handle. I add a small amount to a bucket of water for cleaning.

(The dog photo-bombing in the background is a bonus!)

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For streak-free cleaning with a light scent, I really like MunroCo’s Streak-Free Multi Surface Cleaner (“CTP”). I use it on the stove and also on the shower door (which can’t have products with ammonia, such as Windex, on it).

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For a bathroom spray, this is the only product that has worked well for me. Citrus Magic Natural Odor Eliminating Air Freshener Spray, which comes in this “Tropical Citrus Blend” or it also comes in an orange scent.

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Dawn Dishwashing soap in the “Apple Blossom” scent is actually a good scent for me! Basically, it doesn’t make me gag or have a need to locate it across the room.

Check out the video for full descriptions & reviews of products by clicking the image below:

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